You never know when a disaster will happen. This article provides steps you can take now to protect you and your family financially:

  • Save what you can. Saving is a major financial defense against disasters. A little bit at a time can go a long way.
  • Plan for emergency expenses. Remember, they could include hotel stays, food, gas and insurance deductibles.
  • How to save for emergencies and the future: explore ways to plan, make savings automatic, teach your kids to save and more.
  • Learn important tips on saving and investing.   
  • Store information and documents safely.
    • Keep copies in separate places.
    • Choose storage that is waterproof and fireproof.
  • Understand your insurance coverage.
    • Having adequate insurance for your house, apartment or business property is the best way to be sure you will have the necessary financial resources to help you repair, rebuild or replace whatever is damaged.
    • Review coverage with your agent and check on risks that may require extra coverage, such as floods, earthquakes and fires.<

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